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A great lightweight news briefing app that just works.

Today Brief App

Today Brief have taken on the job of summarizing the day’s top stories into digestible chunks for you.

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Why Today Brief?

Your Daily News Briefing. Stay informed quickly and easily.

Morning Briefing
News that you need to know

Today's Top Stories

Today Brief provides a definitive summary of all the important, need-to-know news so you can be updated of what's currently happening in the world.

full width feature
full width feature
News Summary

Easy-to-digest Story

Stories are short, sharp and designed to be consumed on the go with Autoplay next feature. Want to read the story even faster? Adjust the playback speed up to 1.5x faster.


Amazing interface

Everything is wrapped up in a visually pleasing, story-based interface for quick and easy read.


What People Say

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Today Brief is available on Google Play